The Republican Party nominated
John McCain, from Arizona as its nominee.
The Democratic Party nominated
Barack Obama, from Illinois, as its nominee.
Barack Obama's epic win has shown the world the new face of US and the way the new generation of US thinks. Obama's win is not just vote bank politics (read race), its more about the failure of ill-fated policies of Bush and his misuse of funds excessively on army. But yes, the thumbing victory shows the charismatic leader in him, who can take US to a more peaceful and admirable heights where equality finds new definition.
The largest pool of votes Obama gained is from new generation voters. 66% of 18-29 age group youngsters had no second thoughts while electing their president and 69% of first time voters backed Obama. One in five of all first time voters were black.
And something to cherish for Indians -(No good news about outsourcing, but slightly different)
"Barack Obama, who scripted history on Wednesday by getting elected as the first black President of the United States, has always seen Mahatma Gandhi as an inspiration who reminds him about the "real message of life". Obama also flaunts his love to the apostle of peace by having a portrait of Mahatma at his Senate Office".
The way US look at the world is going to change or not, but for sure, the way the world look at US is here to change. The youth of US seems more liberal open minded than their elders - 'YES THEY CAN'
Hope this 'Change' will bring more Peace and Tranquility to a relatively 'less racist' nation, though she denies and escapes this ‘racist’ tag claim, cleverly all the time. While she boasted about her achievements in space research, putting a man on the face of moon, as early as 60’s, down here on earth’s face, in Georgian hills and elsewhere, the ‘colored’ kept running for life from 'The Bikers'.
She never failed to show her smiling face to the world as if she is way ahead of all other nations. Yes!! She is and she was always, in terms of her advanced technology and wealth. But she pumped all her wealth and resources primarily on military and allied activities, when a sect of her own children, were facing the heat of discrimination in the name of ‘Color’. Existence of a ‘restless cult’ in a developed nation is no way good in the long run, however wealthy she is. The dawn of a new era has come to ‘change’ the face. 'YES THEY CAN'
On the other hand, a considerable number of lower/middle class ‘Million Dollar’ babies too struggle to make their ends meet in the midst of abundance. This is yet another economically backward group of whites that leads the life of a 'malnourished kid of a wealthy man'.
And with a few media big shots in her kitty, she painted and showcased herself to the world, as a nation Sweet and ‘Colorful’. Anyway Tuesday, Nov-4 2008 is a milestone in American Politics and - 'YES THEY CAN'.
Note: Being said all this, its still uncertain, what Obama has in store for India. The track record is that, the ‘Bushes’ and ‘Canes’ were always friendly to us. “You can put lipstick on a pig (read American), but it's still a pig". "It dont matter if youre black or white".
God Bless America
God Bless The World